Licence Renewal Reminder!
Dear FIDE Trainers,
We would remind those whose licences are due for renewal to make payment without delay.
Those awarded a new trainer title would have to pay for a licence after two years, so for example, if you got your title in 2018, it is now due!
You can check your status using the Search Database function – which we have embedded above for convenience – to view your FIDE Profile Info.
Previously renewals are for four (4) years but from 2020 it is for two (2) years and so the fees are as follows:
FIDE Senior Trainer | 90 Euros |
FIDE Trainer | 60 Euros |
FIDE Instructor: 30 Euros | 30 Euros |
National Instructor | 15 Euros |
Developmental Instructor | 15 Euros |
We do not see it as the responsibility of your federation to pay the licence for you although they may do so.
Payment options are given in our Payments Page