Important NewsNews & Announcements

Changes to FIDE Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies to be effective July 1st 2021

FIDE has published a summary of decisions of the FIDE Council at its meeting on 19 April 2019 given here: and where related to TRG, please note the following:

OCM-2021/026 To note the Trainers’ Commission’s report.

OCM-2021/027 To approve the changes for the FIDE Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies proposed by the Trainers’ Commission which shall come into effect from July 1st 2021.

OCM-2021/028 To approve the recommendations of the Trainers’ Commission on titles and Academies.

You may download a copy from the link given below but note that the version that is official when published in the FIDE Handbook in coming days may differ in formatting and some minor inconsequential details: