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Workshop: How to Teach Pawn Endings, 26 March 2022

Lecturer: FIDE Senior Trainer & Grandmaster Artur Yusupov

Date & Time: 26 March. CET. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 -5 p.m.

Language & Platform: English via Zoom

The most important topics that would be discussed in this workshop are:

1.  Correct approach to the study of pawn endgames, all the necessary elementary positions.
2.  Classification of pawn endgames into two types.
3.  Description of typical pawn endgame ideas.
4.  Difficulties that our students may encounter when studying the opposition.
5.  Using the pawn endgame to train calculating variations, to develop strategic thinking, to develop logical thinking.
6.  Forms of training used in studying the pawn endgame.
7.  Other challenges for the trainer. Answers to the questions.

Fees: 50 Euro for Licensed Trainers, to be Donated to Support Ukraine Chess players

Under the Trainer Professional Education and Development program, currently licensed FIDE Trainer title holders will be given credits and/or bonus exam points towards potential title upgrades at attendance in a future seminar.

Female Participants are Free – FIDE’s The Year of the Women in Chess – with Nomination or Endorsement of the FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess

Please download and complete the following registration form:

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Details on ways to pay is given here:

Please email the transaction record when it is done

We will send all the Zoom link end of Thursday/early Friday